
Harmony at Home….. Order in the Office……. Tranquility in the Toolshed

If it’s packed flat… whatever it is, we can do much more than just assemble it:

Know who’s in your home…
all our operators are:

Why choose us?

“Why did you put that bit there and not this way round”

“You should have put this in first, before screwing that in”

“This is going to take forever”

….. all sound familiar??

Its no secret building anything from a bedside table to a BBQ is stressful. We are in doubt relationships up and down the country, at one time or another have encountered many hurdles over the assembly of flat pack items.

We understand this. It’s stressful, time consuming and quite frankly we would all rather be doing anything else, but the job at hand.

As a result, and to ensure peaceful and harmonious relationships and marriages continue, make a call to your local, professional WeFlatPack assembler. Leave the hard work to them.

We’ve probably saved more marriages than Relate!

Our Story

In 2021 we were fortunate enough to move into our new home. In the eagerness of the move, we had failed to realise we were seriously lacking any form of wardrobes and drawers, as these were all built in at the previous house.

Planning trips to every furniture store in the county to pick up and collect numerous boxes of furniture, hiring a van for the big items that wouldn’t fit in the car we finally said….

“wouldn’t it be great if you could find a company, that you can pay someone to build all this for us”

Numerous conversations, scratching of heads and a lightbulb moment, WeFlatPack was born.

Anything flat packed, is by nature, designed to be easy to assemble. However, ask anyone tasked with the challenge and more than most will certainly tell you differently.

Many of us don’t have the tools needed, can’t remember where we put the allen key after we used it last, no time… (or running out of excuses not to do it) and absolutely no inclination to spend 2 hours of precious time building something that is actually going to end up taking 4 hours and still be a bit wobbly!


Your safety is our top priority, therefore, we have enforced the following to keep our Customers and Assemblers safe during COVID-19.

WeFlatPack has prepared ‘safe work protocols’ for our interactions at all levels of our business. It is very important to us that you, our valued Customer, remains as safe as possible and has a high level of comfort that we are operating safely in the provision of our assembly and installation services. For the near future, the way we conduct our business is changed.  Certain components to our service delivery may have been added or, in some cases, removed. Our assemblers and installers appreciate your assistance and consideration on the following;

We will contact you with a pre-assembly phone call to ensure:

  • You are still comfortable with the assembly
  • If you or anyone in your dwelling is sick or showing symptoms
  • If anyone in your dwelling is self-isolating
  • Wherever practical, we will look to work in isolation of you and your family (in separate room)
  • We will observe the 2m distancing rule – that means no handshakes as we greet you or when we depart
  • If, for any reason, our assembler or installer feels ill, we will stay home. If this occurs, we will either assign another assembler or installer (if possible) or reschedule your assembly.
  • We will carry hand sanitiser, spray sanitiser and disposable wipes in each toolkit
  • At the start and finish of each job; we will sanitise hands, tools, tablet and phone
  • On completion of your assembly, our assembler or installer will sanitise and wipe down all assembled items and contact surfaces.
  • Virtual meetings will replace face-to-face on site discussions, wherever practical
  • Our assembler or installer will place a ‘safe work protocol’ call with you, which will be done within a 24-hour window of beginning your assembly, to check your understanding of our Covid safe work protocols.
  • Using a smartphone we will video record verbal recognition and acceptance of job completion to confirm the assembly has been completed to your satisfaction.


Each day our in-house Quality Manager will randomly select a number of customers to contact for feedback on our installers and their workmanship. If contacted we ask that you spare us a couple of minutes to give us your honest opinion.

Watch this space

IS coming VERY soon


Paul Flinders, Official Partner - Heanor
Please fill out the form below and your enquiry will be forwarded to your local WeFlatPack Official Partner.